how to build big arms fast
build big biceps

Your Ticket To The Gun Show!!!
The Program That Turns Average Arms Into Massive Guns:

Who Else Is Ready
To Build Noticeably Bigger Arms
In the Next 31 Days?


It's Time to Build Arms Like These
Dear Friend of the Iron Game:

Do you want build bigger arms?

What if I told you, you could have noticeably bigger arms in just 31 days?

Would you want to know more?

Of course you would - everybody wants to have bigger, stronger arms.

Well, if you want bigger arms, then you need to forget everything you've ever been told about muscle building.

Forget what you've read in bodybuilding magazines. Many of the Pro's have "chemical assistance" to help them grow muscle.

Forget what the "Big Names" are telling you on their blogs. They'll say anything that gets them paid.

Following "Conventional Wisdom" can only get you so far. Eventually, it leads to agonizingly slow muscle gains, and years of stagnated growth.

Sooner or later, if you want to see your muscle building gains SKYROCKET, you've gotta throw the rule book out the window.

It's time to do something that's been proven to work.

Introducing, August of Arms, the ULTIMATE Jump-Starting, Plateau-Destroying Arm-Training Specialization Program.


Here's What You're Getting With August of Arms:
  • A Full Month of Training Programming
    The entire month of August is laid out for you, organizing all of your full body training, day-by-day. The hard part is already done for you. This month's gonna be a piece of cake!

  • No Wasted Effort or "Garbage Volume"
    From Day 1 to Day 31, every workout is based on optimized effort. There is no wasted time checking boxes for volume. This will be all-out intensity the whole month from begiining to end.

  • 8 OPTIMAL Arm Training Exercises
    This month, we're going to focus on 8 main arm exercises. This year, we're not going crazy on the variety. Each day you've got your assignments laid out for you, and you're going to attack each exercise with all your focus and energy. Not to worry though - these exercises involve ONLY basic equipment, but AS ALWAYS - I've got plenty of secondary and tertiary options for you, to make sure you can get everything in and don't get bored.

  • Video Demonstrations of ALL Exercises
    No wondering how to do lifts right, or worrying you'll do the wrong one. Whether they're time-tested classics that have been around for decades, slight variations to make them more intense and effective, or lifts you've probably never even seen before, I've shot a video of every single arm exercise for you.

  • Daily Stretching Routines
    Serious HARD WORK requires an equal proportion of the right SOFT WORK as well. Each day, you'll go through the "Stretching Battery" I've laid out for you. These stretches help you close out August feeling better than you did when you started!

  • ^ ^ All This for Just $27 ^^


    Top 5 Biggest Arm Training Lies

    Don't believe the baloney you've been told. The following statements are just plain wrong or are out-right lies!

    1. There's No Reason to Have Big Arms

    Total B.S.! The fact is the bigger your arms get, the better chance you have of being STRONG. In 1982, The Journal of Physiology cited research that stated there is a "positive relationship between cross-sectional area and maximum isometric strength." In other words, build up those arms and the strength will come.

    2. Arm Training is a Waste of Your Time

    Absolutely False! One of the most important aspects lifting and sports is CONFIDENCE. Building big arms gives you the confidence you can use in lifting and the right mindset to WIN at sports, EXCEL at work, and BE THE BOSS in other parts of life.

    3. Arm Training Doesn't Carry Over to Anything Else

    Total Crap! It's well known that strong arms assist in pulling movements like Pull-ups, and Rows. Plus, strong triceps aid in pressing movements like Overhead Lifts and the Bench Press. So train your arms with pride as you see your Bench numbers go up and watch the size of your back inflate from all the extra reps on Pull-ups.

    4. Doing Rows and Presses is All You Need for Arm Development

    Total Miss-information. While the biceps and triceps are definitely involved in those movements, targeting these muscles through specialized isolation movements is the only way to maximize your growth potential.

    5. Arm Training Will Get You Hurt

    Some people think that by training the arms, you'll tire them out for other lifts and run the risk of injury, when actually the OPPOSITE is true. For instance, by NOT doing forms of Curls you never fully strengthen the biceps. Think about how many Strongmen tear their biceps in competition - it's not from a lack of training the events - it's from a lack of complete strengthening of the biceps.


    Trips to the Hospital
    Time away from work
    Missed Workouts
    Complete loss of gains

    What better way to add in hardcore, no-nonsense arm training, than with August of Arms!?


    The ULTIMATE Jump-Starting, Plateau-Busting,
    Arm Building Program

    It doesn't matter what kind of program you're on, eventually you WILL see plateaus in your training.

    Sooner or later, EVERYONE sees their gains screech to a grinding halt, and at some point you've gotta switch stuff up.

    FORGET everything you've been told about muscle building in the past.

    FORGET about hitting each body part once a week.

    Sooner or later you HAVE to pay EXTRA ATTENTION to your lagging body parts.

    It's time to throw out the rule book, open a can of whoop-ass, and BLOW RIGHT THROUGH your muscle building plateaus with Arm Specialization Training.

    ARM SPECIALIZATION TRAINING, training the arms with a higher frequency per week than other body parts, is a sure-fire way to get your gains going again.

    Question: Are There Other Lifting Styles
    That Base Their Programming Around Training
    The Same Body Parts Multiple Times per Week?

    The answer is without a doubt, YES!

    In fact there's actually a LOT of examples of lifters who train the same bodyparts multiple times per week. Here's just a few...
      Powerlifters: It is a common practice for Powerlifters to perform 2 upper body workouts and 2 lower body workouts per week. This has been proven an exceptional method for increasing strength.

      However, they don't go in there and push for bigger and bigger personal records every time they're in the gym. They change up the exercises, the loads, the bar speed, and other factors in order to bring up their all-around strength levels.

      You'll be manipulating these same kinds of variables - exercises, body parts worked, loads, bar speed, etc. - during August of Arms as well.

      Olympic Lifters: It is not unheard of for top-level Olympic lifters to train 5 or more days a week and sometimes to train 2x a day. This has been a proven way to increase performance in the Olympic lifts for DECADES!

      However, they have a method about it as well. They perform mainly full-body lifts which shares the stresses over large areas of the body, so they can continually improve over the long haul.

      During August of Arms, you'll be spreading the stresses over the entire arm musculature strategically, by constantly modifying the exercises used. In fact, your arms will probably feel better because of all of the variety.

      Grip Enthusiasts: The overwhelming majority of grip enthusiasts train the very same body parts - the hands, wrists and forearms - every single time they're in the gym. I fit into this category and this approach has served me well for over 10 years.

      However, they aren't going into the gym and doing the same handful of exercises all the time. They do a variety of different lifts that test individual facets of grip strength, allowing them to train hard in each workout and keep progressing.

      You'll be doing one other thing during August of Arms that Grip Enthusiasts do - you'll be implementing proven pre-habilitative movements to promote recovery from one workout to the next. This will keep your momentum (and growth) going strong throughout the month.

      Strongman Competitors: These athletes are a combination of Powerlifters and Olympic Lifters, with a hint of Manual Laborers thrown in, because they have to cover distance. Strongman Competitors train multiple days a week and almost every single workout involves heavy Grip and Core work.

      However, they can do this because the sport of Strongman involves so many different types of events. Over the course of a week's time, a competitor might work on 10 or more individual events, so no one part gets completely beat into the ground. The wear is shared.

      Your training will be like Strongman Work, because new exercises are introduced all the time. While most lifters focus on the same exercises for months on time, you'll be doing nearly 70 different exercises during August of Arms.

      Crossfitters: Crossfit athletes pull from just about all of the above strength sports. There's no denying the incredible athleticism seen in some of these athletes.

      Due to the dynamic nature of so many of the lifts done in Crossfit, many of the lifters have had to increase their focus on taking care of their bodies in order to stay at a peak level, and it's paying off for many of them.

      You're going to see the same benefits during August of Arms, because you'll be following proper warm-up, pre-habilitation and stretching guidelines, as well as better hydration practices than you ever have before.

      Ballet Dancers: These performers put themselves through tremendous levels of physical stress in order to reach the pinnacle of their craft. Their lower bodies take a beating in order to attain perfect execution.

      One of the ways these athletes differ from so many other strength athletes is their level of stretching. They must keep their flexibility in balance with their body control and strength.

      Any you will be taking a similar approach during August of Arms. For each day, there is a short list of stretches to complete. You'll be investing a few minutes of time each day into your body and you're gonna feel like a million bucks.

      Manual Laborers: We can not forget the Industrial Athletes out there. Mechanics, Meat Processors, Contractors, Carpenters - these people all use their arms day in and day out.

      They know that if they can't work, they don't eat. So, they work smart and take care of their bodies so they don't have to miss any work.

      August of Arms is built on a smart approach to training so you don't have to miss any workouts all month long.
    Whether they're athletes or workers, ALL of these people continually work the same muscle groups and movement patterns week in and week out.

    And this month, we're going to harness the power of High Frequency Arm Training and turn it into massive gains.

    I've already laid out the entire month's program in a way that you can intensely and effectively train the arms in some way or fashion every single day.

    You'll see noticeable gains in your upper arms WITHOUT killing yourself in the gym every day and without spending hours on your arms every session.

    Smart Training with the intent of building arm muscle without over-training and without causing too much soreness. That's what August of Arms is all about.

    Throughout August of Arms, you'll be constantly modifying multiple variables of arm training volume.

    Each day of training is a little different, based on what kind of day it is:

    4 Pillars of Smart Arm Training

    August of Arms program is the smartest investment you can make in your arm training, because it's not based on hype, but rather sound strength and conditioning wisdom:

    Pillar 1. Arm Muscle Proportion Drives Your Training When it comes to putting overall size on your arms, the key is triceps work. The triceps make up nearly 2/3 of your arms, so August of Arms puts more emphasis on triceps training. Once you build your triceps up, your sleeves are gonna feel like they're about to EXPLODE.

    Pillar 2. Energy Requirements Must Dictate Your Arm Training Bigger movements and bigger muscles require more energy to work, so they need to be worked FIRST to maximize your results. August of Arms takes this approach to arm training so your arms BLOW UP fast.

    Pillar 3. Full Body Training Is the Anabolic Foundation to Building Arms The arms are involved in many multi-joint exercises that work large quantities of muscle mass. These exercises are MUST HAVES in your program to ensure your optimal growth potential.

    Pillar 4. Balance is the KEY to Sustained Arm Gains Get out of balance, and you get hurt. Get hurt, and you can't grow. The August of Arms training program is designed to keep you IN BALANCE, so you keep on progressing all through the month and even AFTER August has flown by.

    You can put extreme focus on your arms for the next month, if you do it the right way.

    As you can see, August of Arms is more than just some fad, or some gimmick.

    It's based on sound training wisdom and backed by facts.

    With August of Arms guiding you in your lifting, you can add inches to your arms in the next 4+ weeks.



    "Easy to Add to Your Program"

    "I have been doing August of Arms since 2014. Jedd always puts together a well thought-out program. I look forward to really focusing on arms for a solid month. Every year the program is different and is easy to add to your program you already running. Looking forward to a killer 2023 AOA."

    Howard Liviskie

    "An Absolute Blast!"

    "I had an absolute blast! It was great learning new movements while seeing real results. I really liked the video links with each exercise to help quickly see what movements I would be doing each day."

    Stephen C

    "I Put 10lbs on My Strict Curl & 1/2" On My Arms!"

    "Wanted to let you know I enjoyed August of Arms this year and made great progress. As far as my increases, I did gain 10 pounds on my strict curl and half inch on my arms so Im happy. I want the 20 inches too."

    David Gonzalez

    "Crazy Time, But Still Seeing Growth"

    "It's a crazy time for me with a nasty business separation in progress, trying to find a job and no child care for the past few weeks, but I've managed to get all the sessions in. But still seeing growth. +3/8" biceps, +1/4" triceps while dropping 1/4" off my waist. Also I'm getting much better at the dips, which I've not spent any time on before.
    Mbr> I'm noticing that an inch more across centerline on those Carabase curls makes a huge difference.

    Travis D

    "Quite Pleased with the Results - 1/4" & 10lb On My Curl"

    "I’m old, 67, and small, 5’7” and 150 pounds. My focus over the years has been Olympic style lifting and I did hold state teenage records about 50 years ago... But, I never did much dedicated arm work. So, I decided to try this and work my arms for once.

    I was quite pleased with the results. The main changes were a quarter inch increase in my cold upper arm measurement and a 10 pound increase in my barbell curl. I was also pretty pleased with the fact that I completed the program. I found it to be very challenging and just finishing it was a real boost for me.

    I plan on doing it again this year.

    Homer L

    "Scientifically Proven Techniques That Really Work"

    "What I loved about the program is it got me out of my rut of doing the same old arm exercises every week and gave me a whole new arsenal of arm-focused exercises to try. The variety is great and keeps you from getting bored. Let's face it, who doesn't want to work arms every day?! The program keeps the volume under control, so I didn't have any tendonitis during the month, which would have slowed things way down. There was a good deal of negatives and static holds, which increased my arm strength considerably. I feel like my "mind-muscle" connection increased in my triceps, which is an area I have always struggled with.

    Next time I do this program, I am going to up my calories and make sure to consume enough carbs to really juice the gains.

    In short, I recommend this program because it is based on scientifically proven techniques that really work. You don't have to think up what workout to do every time. All the thinking is done for you, with a unique workout every day, so you can just focus on getting the most out of every rep. Everyone should do this at least once in their lifetime, although I think it's likely you'll want to implement this annually, as I have done.


    Jon S

    "Effective EVen If You Can't Do It Daily"

    "I’ve followed Jedd’s August of Arm program in 2017, 2018, and 2020. And every year I get great results, by increasing my arm size and strength.

    Last year was my best year; I added 1/4” to both arms (15 1/8” to 15 3/8”) and forearms (11 1/8” to 11 3/8”), and I also increased my close grip bench 20 lbs, Barbell curls 25 lbs, increased Dips by 20, and cut 1:08 off my 100 curls time.

    Now these may not be earth-shattering results, but I did this not being able to train daily like the program describes. Because of my schedule, I finished the AOA program in mid September. So this tells me that the program is still effective, even if you can’t follow it daily.

    Jedd’s AOA is the BEST! Can’t wait for 2021!!"

    Brian D

    "An Adventure in Arm Training"

    "The August of Arms Program was awesome! Some days were "easy" (not really) but in terms of getting through without much distress compared to other days that were Very CHALLENGING. The variety in the program was spectacular, not the usual BB Curl & Lying Tricep Extension for 3 x 10 each day was somewhat of an adventure in ARM Training, different exercises, tempo and volume. Results:

    • Day 1 Bodyweight 245 Relaxed arms measured at 15.5 and Flexed at 16.5
    • Day 15 Bodyweight 239 Relaxed 16.25 Flexed 16.75
    • Day 30 Bodyweight 237 Relaxed 16.5 Flexed 17.25

    So major INCREASE in a month

    I would say the program was a huge success! Also I was age 60 and had been training for over 45 years (never really trained arms).

    Mike I


    Are you embarrassed of your arms?

    Do you have skinny, scrawny arms?

    Are your weak arms holding you back in your strength training?

    Do you purposely wear shirts with long sleeves so your weak-looking arms stay covered up?

    Are you worried that someone's going to pick on you because you have girlie arms?

    Are your arms WEAK and hold back your bigger, compound lifts, like your Bench, Pull-ups, and Rows?

    Well, you can put a stop to ALL that in the next 31 days.

    In just a month's time your sleeves can start fitting tighter.

    You can start seeing a difference in your arm size in the mirror.

    You can start feeling the difference in your lifts.

    People will be complimenting you about how big your arms have gotten.

    And you'll be able to tell them that the only supplement you've been using has been good hard work.

    The secret weapon for big arms is AUGUST OF ARMS.

    Get it today:


    This year, August of Arms is going to be the Most Fun You've Had All Year, with the Biggest Gains You've Seen All Year, too.

    No More not knowing what to do.

    No More doing the same stuff all the time.

    No More boring workouts.

    You're gonna LOVE your arm training this year!

    All the best in your training,

    Jedd Johnson

    Common Questions

    Is August of Arms a Digital or Hard Copy Product?

    August of Arms is an ebook in PDF format. You will be able to download it to your computer, laptop, MAC, or smartphone to view it.

    How Long Will It Take to Receive August of Arms?

    You will be able to download August of Arms within minutes of purchasing it. The delivery page will come up on your screen within seconds of completing your purchase.

    What If I Have Trouble Viewing or Accessing August of Arms?

    No problem. Just email me at [email protected] and I am happy to help you out.

    What Do I Need to Be Able to Access August of Arms?

    There are many free apps that allow you to easily view PDF's. Adobe Reader is one example that you can use on your computer. Many others exist for mobile devices.

    Will I Be Able to Print Out August of Arms?

    Yes! Feel free to print out the workout plans and take them right with you to the gym. That is exactly what I will be doing.

    What If I'm Already Following a Program?

    No problem. You can plug the Arm Work for August of arms right into what you're doing. I'm currently following a 10-Week Deadlift Program, and plan on adding August of Arms training in seemlessly.

    I Have Vacation Planned. Will This Ruin August of Arms for Me?

    I have family vacation planned for August 1 to August 8, myself. I do not plan on missing any workouts. There is a section in the manual that addresses this exact question to help you enjoy your Summer while also packing mass on your arms.